Saturday, November 22, 2008

Introducing Houdini

Houdini joined our family in August. A student at my school and her family were PCSing and could not take the recently born kittens with them. So, knowing how tender hearted teachers are, she brought them to school. A fellow teacher then found her way to my room with a bag of adorable felines. Andy has always wanted a cat, so I took this opportunity to play on his heart. Before I could even finish my sentence he said yes-BJ wished he would have said no.

Houdini was MIA for the first couple of days leading us to search the house high and low and places in which I now know I need to dust. Finally we found him just for him to hide again...hence his name-Houdini.

When I brought him home he would fit in the palm of my hand, and now, he is like a panther. His sweet little spirit has now grown into a big bully. He taunts BJ so and is relentless. He attacks BJ from all corners and from above with upper and lower right and left hooks, head locks, take downs, and the POUNCE. He even finds BJ under the covers.

Houdini is not only a master of hiding but also a master of destruction. There are times that one would think a 3 year old had been in the room...except he doesn't know the Barney clean up song.

I will keep you posted on the tales and woes of our little ferocious feline.

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